Times Have Changed. Your Business Should Too.
Great West Digital helps you redefine your customer base and how you reach consumers, now and after the crisis.
Businesses of all sizes across Alberta went from operating normally to being shut down or only able to operate online – and this happened in the blink of an eye. No amount of pre-planning, business insurance, or forecasting could have predicted how hard Alberta business owners would get hit by COVID-19. There is no more “normal.” There is only an evolving situation, closed doors, and an impact that will be felt for years to come.
But not all is lost.
The initial shock has worn off and we are getting a clearer picture of what to expect long-term. The economy is depressed and consumers have less to spend, which means how and why you reach your customers needs to change. During this slow down it’s time to take a good, hard look at what you offer, how you offer it, and how you are reaching your target market.
Great West Digital can help you with that.Here’s how.
We build responsive websites
The businesses that were already online or were able to quickly transition online had a clear advantage during the initial COVID-19 wave. If you do not already have a good website that is optimized for e-commerce and includes SEO to help you stand out among the competition, now is the time to build/improve that site.
Great West Digital offers responsive websites that look great on any device. E-commerce in Canada continues to grow; those that can attract and maintain customers online not only help insulate themselves against future shutdowns (which may be possible if we experience a second wave of COVID-19 in the fall), they also reach the demographic that prefers to shop online.
Our reporting is second to none
When you place sponsored content in any of our publications, we don’t just post it and walk away. We monitor it, boost it, track it, and provide you with an exceptional level of reporting. This gives you the data you need so you can see who you are reaching and how they are responding. The data will show how effective you are in reaching your target audience – and if you have the right target or need to expand into new demographics. You will see which types of content produces higher response rates, and therefore be able to maximize every marketing dollar to achieve the best possible ROI.
The best news is, sponsored content and ads are not directly about products. They are about the value your business gives to your customers and community. You can place sponsored ads during the shutdown to keep engaging your clients even if your doors are shut. Great West Digital will discuss what kind of content you can leverage now, and when your doors are open again.
Local search optimization
You have probably heard how search engine optimization (SEO) organically raises your website in Google’s search rankings, making it easier for customers to find you; but what if you don’t need global attention? What if you just want to attract local consumers?
Now is the time to start your local search optimization (LSO). This service from Great West Digital brings your business to the forefront of your own community by leveraging 15 Canadian-centric platforms. Doing this now helps you redefine and target your local customer base and enables more seamless engagement with them during the re-opening of your businesses – and beyond.
There’s Even More
Those are just three of the ways Great West Digital will work with you right now to redefine and engage your customers despite the disruption of COVID-19. Contact us today to get started. We are fully set up to work remotely with you, and we look forward to showing you the difference Great West Digital will make for your brand.
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