SEO Tactics for a Successful Website
SEO stands for search engine optimization and it is one of the best and most affordable ways to direct web traffic to your website. However, it’s not enough to simply put keywords into your content. SEO works best when tactically deployed. Today we will discuss the tactics that make SEO work.
Keywords Are…Well…Key!
SEO is based on keywords. Keywords are words or phrases that people use on search engines to find products and services. Keywords are more effective than direct advertising because they capture the audience that is looking for something specific, not the audience that may just broadly hear your company name.
For example, let’s say a prospective client is looking for a local dentist. There are three dentists in town. How do you attract that client’s attention? As a new practice, you can’t afford billboard ads. Since that client is likely to go to Google, you need keywords in your content that will encourage Google to send that client to your website when they search “dentists near me,” “dentists in St. Albert,” or “best local dentist.”
The right keywords in your content puts your website directly in front of the people that are more likely to convert from a shopper to a client.
Content Matters
This doesn’t mean, however, that you can simply add keywords to your content and call it a day. Online search engines don’t just look for good keyword phrases. They also look for well written, easy-to-understand, content.
Your content must be free of spelling errors and grammar mistakes. It should have good flow and avoid mistakes like run on sentences. It should have headings (and at least one heading should contain the keyword phrase) and subheadings if applicable. It should also be a minimum of 300 words on each main page to allow enough instances of the SEO keywords and to adequately explain your products and services.
Pictures Matter Too
Search engine bots love pictures, and photos present another opportunity to increase your keywords. On the back end of a website, you or your webmaster has the opportunity to add what is called ALT text. While ALT text is not visible to the reader, it is visible to the search engine bots.
Besides being another keyword opportunity, photos enhance content and allow website pages to rank higher on Google, since Google knows readers are more attracted to content that has quality photos or graphics.
Getting the Best SEO Content for Your Website
Knowing how important, and how very nuanced, SEO for websites can be, it’s no wonder that an entire professional industry has grown to help businesses with their SEO needs. Rather than taking time away from running your small business to learn SEO, you can rely on local SEO companies to take your website from good to great, all for an affordable price.
Great West Digital, which is part of the Great West Newspapers family, is the local choice to design your digital strategy. We build smart, effective marketing campaigns based on original, holistic strategies. For optimization of your website and all your other digital advertising needs, contact Great West Digital today.
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