How to Win the Social Media Marketing Game
Just how many social media platforms are there? The number is hard to pin down because platforms come and go with only a handful gaining international notoriety, but according to this list (which admits it is not an exhaustive list), it’s easy to see that the number of platforms you can post on numbers in the hundreds. What’s a small business to do? It takes time and money to socially advertise, let alone research all those sites. Today we will help you narrow down your options so you can win the social media marketing game.
KYC stands for know your customer, and it’s the foundation of every good business practice. You may love browsing Facebook, but if most of your customers are on LinkedIn (as is the case with many in professional services), you’ll miss connecting with them if you don’t leverage LinkedIn as well. Run the analytics on your social media platform of choice to ensure you are connecting with your target audience, and don’t be afraid to ask your customers via online polls, surveys, or face to face which platforms they use for business interactions.
Quality Content
Not only are most people tired of poor quality content, Google penalizes sites with lower web traffic for it too. Don’t just pump out content for the sake of having something on your feeds. It’s better to have less content than a ton of verbiage or fuzzy photos that get passed by. That being said, it is important to produce content regularly, so determine what type of posting schedule works, and ensure you or a team member can post something on those days.
Cross Site Posting
You already know that a blog is a great way to promote your company, as a blog educates your clients on your expertise. While photo-heavy sites like Pinterest and Instagram are a great way to show off your products, blogs inform your clients on how your products or services enhance their lives.
With some creativity you can tailor one post for several platforms. Put your search engine optimized blog on your website with a couple of high quality photos. Add the Pinterest pin button so it’s easy for your readers to add the blog to their Pinterest board. Then write a short and catchy introduction blurb and use Bitly for your blog’s link; this goes on Facebook and Twitter. Finally, create a more formal business introduction for the blog (and use Bitly again for the link) and put it on LinkedIn. While Facebook tends to be less formal (go ahead with those gifs and emojis) LinkedIn posts should be corporate in nature.
Hire the Right Team
Of course, all of the above depends on your knowledge of social media and your time to create and monitor posts. The best way to win the social media game is to hire an expert team that can do all of this for you. Great West Digital, the local choice that is invested in your community, is ready to help you win the social media marketing game with combined years of expertise and a knowledge of what platform your readers are on. Contact us today for a stronger social media presence, and learn the many other ways we can give your brand more recognition.
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