Responsive Website

Responsive Websites

What is a responsive website? It is a website that works 24/7 for you by responding to Google’s changing algorithms, by generating reports to gauge effectiveness, and by automatically calibrating for a variety of devices and platforms. Great West Digital creates responsive websites that go far beyond a nice layout and sharp pictures. We design your website to drive traffic and increase conversions while being agile to changing conditions. Your website is flexible – add commerce, include a blog, schedule appointments – it’s all possible with our elevated design process.

Did you know that search engines rank sites lower if they are not adaptable for multiple platforms and devices? Your potential customers don’t want to be expanding the text, struggling to click buttons, or squinting to read on their phone or tablet. Your target market doesn’t want to switch browsers just to access your site. Great West Digital’s responsive websites are designed to run seamlessly on all the most popular devices and platforms. It’s just one more way we make your site work hard for you.

What We Do

  • Template Websites: The cost-effective option that starts with an existing layout
  • Bespoke Websites: Every aspect is designed from the ground up, giving you a unique layout that is 100% customized for your brand
  • Websites for Online Sellers: We can create an e-commerce site or intergrade with platforms like Amazon and Shopify
  • Dynamic Design: Responsive elements for both the user interface and the back end data collection process
  • Domain Registration & Hosting Setup: We secure the domain and the hosting platform to ensure continuous uptime
  • Mobile Ready: Your site is optimized to run on mobile devices
  • Multi-Page Site Content Packages: Expert copywriting services for engaging content
  • Maintenance: Automated reporting alerts us to issues that we quickly correct
  • Social Media: Links to your social media
Adaptable for Multiple Platforms

We’re excited to get started!